Why Saving Money Alone Is Not Enough

Hi there, 

Let’s imagine you save ₹10,000 every month. It feels like you’re doing the right thing, right? But let’s break it down with some simple math.

In 10 years, you’d have ₹1,200,000. It sounds like a lot, but what if inflation averages 6% per year? The purchasing power of that money decreases significantly over time.

There's a limit to how much you can save, but there's no limit to how much you can earn. Similarly, there's no limit to the skills you can acquire.

The Power of Investing in Yourself

Now, let’s consider a different approach. Instead of just saving, what if you invest in upskilling yourself?

The Math of Investing in Skills:

  • Annual Investment in Courses: ₹50,000

  • New Skill Learned: Public Speaking, Coding, Marketing, etc.

  • Increased Earning Potential: Let’s assume it helps you get a promotion or a better job, increasing your income by ₹20,000 per month. 

In one year, you’ve made an additional ₹240,000. Even if you continue to invest ₹50,000 annually in your skills, the net gain is ₹190,000 every year. Over 10 years, that’s ₹1,900,000.

Why Free Resources Aren’t Enough

You might think, “Why should I spend money on courses when I can learn everything from YouTube and Google?” Here’s why:

The Distraction Factor:

  • Free resources are abundant but scattered.

  • It’s easy to get distracted and not follow through.

The Implementation Gap:

  • Information is not enough; you need a structured way to implement it.

  • Paid courses provide structure, mentorship, and a focused path.

Analogy: Imagine you want to bake a cake. You have all the ingredients (free information) scattered around your kitchen. Without a clear recipe (structured learning) and the right tools (mentorship and practice), you might end up with a mess instead of a delicious cake.


Saving money is important, but it shouldn’t be your only strategy. Invest in yourself.

Learn new skills, connect with people, and add value to their lives. This way, you’ll increase your earning potential and financial stability.

By investing time, money, and energy into your personal growth, you’re not just saving; you’re multiplying your future earnings.

Don’t let distractions hold you back. Bridge the gap between information and implementation to achieve your goals.

Best regards,
Abhishek & Team


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